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Accidentally left my phone on in my pocket, started GC. Refund possible?

4:08 pm, September 14, 2017 665 172 0.9 @ 200 wpmrate up GenericCRPlayer source
I was playing the game today, then *thought* I switched my phone off and put it in my pocket. Unfortunately it was still on and while I was walking around, it was just my luck that the game had scrolled to the challenge menu and started a Grand Challenge.

I would never ever start a Grand Challenge as I am not the most skilled player and really suck in Normal Challenges (maybe average 4 wins in a classic, highly doubt i will get 1 in Grand).

I have not played any games in this, in the hope that I can get it refunded. Even 50 gems would be fine.

Is it possible at all that a refund could be obtained. If so I'll send it in in-game support.

Edit: A clanmate who plays CoC has accidentally gemmed something before, he got half back. could work.
Edit 2: Moved to bugs and problems? Well for all I know it's disappeared from the view of all humanity.
4:08 pm, September 14, 2017 665 172 source



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