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General Why Clash Royale is not fun to play.

4:08 pm, September 19, 2017 1,751 516 2.6 @ 200 wpmrate up Mediocre source
Getting right to the point. I understand clash royale has a lot of moving parts. Hoever the developers insist on working on balance changes before fixing broken card interactions. For example, the electro wizard still spends most of his time hesitating to do anything or does nothing at all. So his 1.8 second hitspeed tends to be considerably slower than that if at all. If two E-wizards approach each other, one is going to attack before the other (that makes sense). The fire wizard is probably the most broken card in the game right now, it retargets anything you place next to it when it should continue attacking it's previous target. Maybe a legendary emblem should be slapped on it for it's legendary retarget ability. My favorite is how all cards attack ranges are significantly increased when they are tornado'd "out of range." For example, all troops move into the farthest point away from a tower before attacking it. Therefore the moment a tornado is applied to that troop it should no longer be able to attack the tower until it moves back into position. However every troop still manages to get at least one more shot off on a tower when it's pulled out of range hog riders, royal giants, and giants especially. That one shot often multiple times a game cost players the game. Not because of playing poorly, because of poor game mechanics and nonsensical card interactions.

Next the lack of Foresight when buffing and nerfing cards is terrible. I'm sure the science behind it is beyond a simple player like myself so I'll keep it simple. The hog rider is one of the most used cards in the game and has been for a while, yet I can't remember a time when it was nerfed. But according to supercell those are key factors in needing a nerf. They make statements for buffing and nerfing cards as to why they do it and seem to lack any thought as to why. Example "the goblin hut has been in the furnace shadow for a long time" and buffed the goblin hut as if it would help. Why it won't is because the goblin hut does chip damage the furnace does real damage. The a single fire spirit does more than 3 times the amount of damage as a spear goblin and it's splash damage. If you want to fix the use rage on it fix the card and make idk what it should be, a support card. A furnace that releases fire spirits of equal level to the crown tower its attacking, should not make it to the crown tower. It should require something tanking for it to get to a tower.

There are many more logical arguments to make that would significantly improve this game but I'm done for now. 2v2 is the only mode keeping me playing. Side note, I have a lvl 12 account. Played since the game came out and I'm just getting tired of the problems that need fixing. Hoping to get community support on this.
4:08 pm, September 19, 2017 1,751 516 source



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