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iOS Cannot load game - freezes at 18%

3:08 pm, January 18, 2016 846 94 0.5 @ 200 wpmrate up JohnnyBoyIsMe source

have downloaded the game but just can't get it to load.

have iPhone 6plus with 9.2ios installed, also plenty of free space

have tried the following
- clear all my apps
- restart my iphone
- delete and download again (plus a restart in the middle for good measure)
- try starting on wifi or 4G

i run coc and boom beach easily and never had a issue.

any ideas why this is happening??

3:08 pm, January 18, 2016 846 94 source


try logging out of game center, and reinstalling the game, then when you load it again it should ask you to log back into game center and work correctly.
Guest @ 12:32 am, January 19, 2016


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