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Clash Royale, The new Face of SC?

3:08 am, January 13, 2016 1,194 546 2.7 @ 200 wpmrate up OERIVERS source
Hello ladies and gentleman, including CR Dev Team.

Where do I start... This game has brought what COC couldn't bring in several updates, period.


The first thing I would like to discuss is the dynamic of the game, it is new, easy to understand and funny to play. CR brought that intense feeling of winning a battle just by the fact it is 1 v 1 real time.

Clan Donations:

As for now I've seen two ways to play the game, get cards and donate (rank up lv) and attack later once you have a high level King/Archer Tower., or get cards and attack every once in a while, let me explain this, you can either be an Assault player or a Support (donator) Player.


Ok so this is a very important topic I would like to mention. CR Team gave us that argument of why you should go to a battle, every 24hr you get (if been able) a Crown Chest nevertheless you need to win Crowns in order to unlock it. The feeling of been able to get the missing cards to update "x" troop is what gives us that desire. Free Chest can be related as a backup since they don't give you such a "big" reward.

Obtained Chests:

The player has 4 slots in which, by winning battles gets a chest either a Silver or Gold one. I'm not sure if this is a way to balance the game but the fact that you need to wait 3hr/8hr to unlock a chest at a time can be frustrating.

Social Environment:

Well the chat has the same mechanics as COC so nothing to discuss here except for ONE reason, we know how many players are online yet we don't know who is online, awesome addition! TV Royale allows low/mid or even high players to see many variations of decks and how the troops interact while being at battle.

Future Changes:

-Prince is still OP.

-Unlock multiple chests at a time, in fact the player won't be penalize cause the time to unlock it would be the same, not to mention the slot is still being unable.

-Baby Dragon is OP.

-For some players the card unlock variation is not the same as for others, player lv 5 still without baby dragon/witch/prince even though those are "tier 1".

-Matchmaking has to be rearrange. It is incredible to encounter with a player lv 3 that has prince, witch etc while you have low lv cards and not such a big variation.

Those are my final thoughts:

CR Dev Team thank you so much for making such a great game even if it is on the soft launch, keep in contact with the community.

CR has brought what COC couldn't give us, CR Dev team is making the game we want to play, not the one they want us to play. In every single aspect CR surpasses COC by far.

Nice game, looking forward for new cards and lv!
3:08 am, January 13, 2016 1,194 546 source



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