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Android Game wont open on Verizon Ellipsis 10

3:08 am, March 20, 2016 2,103 70 0.4 @ 200 wpmrate up 1 oneangryyeti source
I just got a brand new Ellipsis 10 tablet and I can't get Clash Royale to open. It starts to open but the screen goes dark. Then, to exit the game I have to swipe up from the bottom while it is in landscape mode (like COC). I've tried the play store fix and uninstalled/reinstalled the game many times and it still won't open properly. Any advice/help?
3:08 am, March 20, 2016 2,103 70 1 source


Same problem here. When it first starts it switches to landscape mode.
Guest @ 8:35 pm, September 25, 2016 Rating: +2
Same here please fix!!!
Guest @ 12:15 am, May 14, 2016 Rating: +2
Yes this is exactly what's happening to me!!!!!neeed help plz
Guest @ 5:04 pm, March 27, 2016 Rating: +3
Same here, plz make compatible
Guest @ 5:53 pm, March 23, 2016 Rating: +2
Same problem here!!
Guest @ 1:39 am, March 22, 2016 Rating: +2
Same prob here
Guest @ 5:58 pm, March 20, 2016 Rating: +4


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