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General Cant search up any clans like 420 or 420.5!

3:08 am, February 3, 2016 922 106 0.5 @ 200 wpmrate up 1 GreenNinja0509 source
After the update, the game censors out the clans such as 420. This now makes it impossible to see what our feeder clans are up to! We're lucky that 420 and 420.5 are in the top rankings, but for other clans that are not in the rankings, it is impossible for clans to search them up therefore making it impossible to see what they're up to and if you just want to visit them. I think clash Royale should change this update and put the clans back in the search engine. It's not fair for them to just disappear! I hope you put this mail into consideration.
3:08 am, February 3, 2016 922 106 1 source



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