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Lv. 4 | Arena 2 | 10/1 W/L -

3:08 am, January 26, 2016 1,617 123 0.6 @ 200 wpmrate up Nic0c0 source

I have a good understanding of the game and I've only lost once yet. I'm proceeding fast, and I need a very active clan with nice and social members/leaders to fit who I am as a person and player, and as a place where I can evolve as a Clash Royale player.
I'm Lv. 4 and Arena 2 already, and I started playing just over an hour ago.
Please prove you actually read what I wrote, and that your not just spamming invites all over.
Edit: I speak English, and English only, even if it is not my mothertongue. Prefer my clanmates to do the same.
3:08 am, January 26, 2016 1,617 123 source



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