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Need Active Clan on Clash Royale

3:08 pm, January 22, 2016 1,743 58 0.3 @ 200 wpmrate up XBuddaX source
Hi guys, I want to find an active clan who talks a lot in chat and does friendly battles often. Also is a donating clan and is quite competitive and gives advice for lower people! I am lv 5 very close to lv 6. I'm in arena 3 and have 920 trophies!! Any clan that follows these guidelines ⬆️ Plz reply
3:08 pm, January 22, 2016 1,743 58 source


You can check out our clan if you like, we are a group of fun guys and we donate whenever possible. We are currently small, but trying to get bigger. The name is Snoop's Squad. Thanks!
Guest @ 1:54 am, March 8, 2016


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