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iOS X-Bow doesnt attack before it attacked by minions horde

3:08 am, February 22, 2016 646 94 0.5 @ 200 wpmrate up ztyTom source
I played a friendly battle in my clan this morning (Feb. 21st 5:20am pacific time), the first x-bow i placed didn't attack. The x-bow is absolutely in range to attack the opponent's archer tower(because 20 seconds after the x-bow is placed, and after the opponent's minion horde attacked that x-bow it started shooting the archer tower). If SC's technic support team could check that replay that would be best. Hope this bug could be fixed soon! (my ID in game is .:Tom:. and hope SC's support team could check that replay) :D
3:08 am, February 22, 2016 646 94 source



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