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iOS Linked game center to wrong game?

3:08 pm, February 21, 2016 4,008 164 0.8 @ 200 wpmrate up YungHuangu source
So i downloaded the game yesterday and have made a lot of progress in just a day, and was trying to link my ipad with my iphone. However, the iPad is lvl 1, and it's now the game that's connected to my game center. Everytime I go on Clash royale on my iphone i get a message asking me if I want to switch to my lvl 1 iPad game. How can i reverse it so my iPhone game is the main and put my game with more progress on my iPad?

When i click link devices and click new device on my lvl 1 iPad, it prompts me to enter a link code, which I can't get anywhere.

When I click link devices on my iPhone and click old device, it just tells me that it should automatically sync, but it's not automatically syncing, or if it is it's syncing the wrong way. Is there a way to fix this?
3:08 pm, February 21, 2016 1167 meonhoc replied source
meonhoc reply to iOS Linked game center to wrong game?

You can either: - 1st option: create a new Apple ID to log in GC for the new CRoyale account - 2nd option: contact Support from the level 1 account and request to unlink the GC account ((in this case log out of game center until this is fixed, you should not have GC logged in while playign CR to prevetn any accidental automatic linking). It's Support call on this matter, explain the situation to them.


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3:08 pm, February 21, 2016 4,008 164 source


Jesus christ the usability with this... why on earth would someone want to create new Apple ID and loose your family stuff etc?
Guest @ 10:20 am, October 1, 2016


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