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Android Bug en la compra de la oferta de 200 gemas

4:08 pm, August 17, 2017 516 0 0.0 @ 200 wpmrate up Fxzc1995 source
4:08 pm, August 17, 2017 1718 mmmaka3m replied source
mmmaka3m reply to Android Bug en la compra de la oferta de 200 gemas

Hi. This forum is English only. Please post English. I used google translate and I understand that you haven't got your gems. On the forum nobody can help you but you can contact in-game support team and they'll help you about this. Here is how you can contact in-game support team: https://forum.supercell.com/showthre...In-Out-Of-Game


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4:08 pm, August 17, 2017 516 0 source



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