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General Kick button for tournament host

4:08 pm, May 8, 2017 892 130 0.7 @ 200 wpmrate up nicmatt15 source
I just strated a tournament and although I secured it with password a few unknown people managed to join. Please add the kick button for host on preparation time (not the actual tournament) so we can kick unwanted people. Its incredibly frustating on how some people managed to barge in and we cannon do anything as a tournament host. The tournament was meant for only ky clan and I do not wish any unknown people get those cards that could be beneficial for our clanmates. The tournament has been out for almost a year and a lot of people has complained about this topic, yet no further action has been taken. Please consider adding this feature in your very next update or server maintanance.

Thank you.
4:08 pm, May 8, 2017 892 130 source



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