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General I want to report cheating

4:08 am, May 16, 2016 19,972 82 0.4 @ 200 wpmrate up 7 suryatejaganga source
I was playing against a player named 'stew' from clan Beancan . The game went smoothly and I destroyed both of his side towers defending my both towers. After the time-out the result was 3-0 in his favour. I didn't get it and when I saw the replay , my troops were missing and his troops defeated without any resistance.

My internet connection was good and I didn't get the delay symbol( wifi symbol) during any part of the match.
4:08 am, May 16, 2016 19,972 82 7 source


There is a player in my clan who requested a PEKKA even though it wasn't epic Sunday. I have a screenshot
Guest @ 5:01 am, June 4, 2017 Rating: +13
Maybe it wasnt epic sunday for you. But the player may have been on the other side of the globe and it may have been sunday for them
Guest @ 5:58 pm, June 4, 2017 Rating: +40
I was in a match and it was lagging. Of all the weird stuff to happen. A player was somehow getting his king to jump and cause lag.
Guest @ 6:24 pm, May 28, 2017 Rating: +25
Fellow players....game is not hacked. Supercell rigs the games to get players to to buy upgrades. Supercell earns $2 BILLION on their games. Slow elixer, delays, glitches, overpowered opponents troops.....etceteraa are all caused by SUPERCELL. Enjoy the free game just dont waste money to play.
Guest @ 12:17 am, May 15, 2017 Rating: +15
I played someone named ***emerson*** who played the giant, bowler, giant, bowler and mega minion all at once. There's no way he has that much elixir at once. He needs to be banned for cheating.
Guest @ 6:38 pm, May 9, 2017 Rating: +67
report a cheater, Pay of Based Savages. he played a rage card that was not in his deck and it did not cost him any energy when he played it
Guest @ 8:31 pm, May 5, 2017 Rating: +18
Same here. No rage card in his deck yet it was played multiple times during the game.
Guest @ 9:10 pm, May 14, 2017 Rating: +33
I just got defeated by cheating, th game froze and switched sides ! And couldnt deploy anything i just lost in seconds so unfair , can someone tell me how to report him, i even got a screenshot
Guest @ 3:00 am, April 29, 2017 Rating: +12
I contacted supercell with the same problems listed here...They said their servers are secure and game CAN NOT be hacked. They blamed....not enough ram on computer (500 mb) poor internet connection ( time warner broadband), poor strategy. The only conclusion that can be reached..is that supercell predetermines outcome of matches before they start.
Guest @ 7:47 pm, April 26, 2017 Rating: +14
I was playing against this guy who's king tower became angry 1 second into the match,when I checked the replay his name changed
Guest @ 2:32 pm, April 27, 2017 Rating: +18
You are wrong, a hacker spawned troops before the game even started when I had perfect connection the spawned in a giant, knight, witch, and prince all within the time of 3 seconds. Explain that
Guest @ 11:09 pm, April 29, 2017 Rating: +26
I was against some one named Colby and he was In arena 3 and he had a pekka
Guest @ 9:28 pm, April 23, 2017 Rating: +45
I came across a person named EMRE clan name, IYI DOSTLAR, they were steadily mocking me, then my game froze, logged back in. Had one of my towers destroyed. Then lava hound, Ballon, dragon destroy my king tower. Is this your way of saying fair play? Don't sound like it.
Guest @ 10:59 am, April 20, 2017 Rating: +36
Cheaters don't pay anything,but cause those that do toleave, supercell must have a developmental disability not to do something
Guest @ 9:16 pm, April 19, 2017 Rating: +24
Need some official words on this, my motto is if you can't beat them, join them! If they aren't doing anything about it, going to cheat too
Guest @ 9:05 pm, April 19, 2017 Rating: +12
Qahtom from Black Stalkers is a cheater
Guest @ 1:46 pm, April 14, 2017 Rating: +18
MasterAlex3 was also a cheater. It appeared to me that i had lost connection when i hadnt (i still had a good connection to my wifi) and after that everything seemed in fast motion and i finally lost. I have a screenshot that verifies that i was connected.
Guest @ 8:57 am, April 12, 2017 Rating: +33
I had the same with Daniel from Black Dogs, they lock you out the game and turn your guys into theirs.
Guest @ 12:45 am, April 9, 2017 Rating: +12
Sone Players habe Infinity elixir
Guest @ 9:53 pm, April 8, 2017 Rating: +21
To many cheaters what are you guys doing about it this is ridiculous
Guest @ 7:23 am, April 3, 2017 Rating: +14
Goldin69 is cheating
Guest @ 8:33 pm, April 2, 2017 Rating: +18
Mihai from GIS50 is a cheater, I was winning and all of a sudden I could not do anything or place any cards.
It showed my connection dropped when my internet was good. so frustrating, Supercell needs to ban those people
Guest @ 7:02 pm, April 2, 2017 Rating: +12
A guy named digl that I played placed a giant, a mirrored giant, a wizard, baby dragon, Lava hound in less then a minute I lost and I want to report the guy because he was obviously cheating but I cant
Guest @ 4:27 pm, April 1, 2017 Rating: +12
Oscar_mx25 is a hacker I believe. In a match with him he was spawning full size pekkas within seconds of eachother, while at the same time spawning other troops. At one point he spawned a pekka, baby dragon, spear goblins, all at once, and then 3 seconds later spawned another pekka.
Guest @ 5:42 pm, March 31, 2017 Rating: +13
they won't reply you tho..I belive
Guest @ 10:22 am, April 2, 2017 Rating: +12
Played a player who turned all the towers around and made so i couldent place cards and he could so i lost becouse antisubmarino17
Guest @ 3:44 pm, March 31, 2017 Rating: +42
I played a guy named "tutubek" and he totally cheated. I took out his tower in overtime, but he somehow put the tower back at 355 health and then took out my tower. Also, he used the same cards to take out my tower that he used 2 seconds ago. If you add up the elixir on those cards you get 14 elixir. Meanwhile, I only used 4 elixir at the same time. My wifi was totally fine and I had no glitches. Please give me my trophies and ban him. I am Vikrant in The Dawg Pound. Arena 8 trophies 2385.
Guest @ 1:24 pm, March 31, 2017 Rating: +12
#G8Y8LJ9C MISH from clan Khils & Felix (co-leader) is cheater
Played on 01:20 gmt +7 (jakarta/bangkok)
Guest @ 7:26 pm, March 29, 2017 Rating: +40
User Alejandro07 with ID #GCYJ9JYG probably is using cheats. The whole game against this user i couldn't send any card, if it were an internet issue, i should have continued with the problem the next match. In the match i send a card and this appeared after several seconds, or in worst case, it doesn't appeared on arena.
Guest @ 3:07 am, March 29, 2017 Rating: +20
Yes dude named Felipe Lionel in a clan called club fonavi destroyed all of my buildings without getting a single hit on any of them so id like to get him banned
Guest @ 12:15 am, March 29, 2017 Rating: +24
I was in a tournament and i was supposed to get at best 12 cards and i only got three card so i am super upset about that and i hope hoping that i can get something in return like a gem reward or something. I would like a gem reward. My username is (Jack is cool)
Guest @ 11:46 pm, March 26, 2017 Rating: +18
pls reply about my clan chest
Guest @ 4:14 am, March 25, 2017 Rating: +19
i dint got the clan battle chest as i battled for 10 crowns and we have lvl 10 clan battle chest then also i didnt got my chest and in my 2nd id i got a clan battle chest. why this happened?
Guest @ 4:13 am, March 25, 2017 Rating: +12
I was going to lose that battle then he put a baby dragon level 2 than he put another but now it level 5
Guest @ 2:51 am, March 25, 2017 Rating: +18
I played against RobertISCO19, our kings were flipped and my cards kept changing. I was able to put down one card but he blocked the rest. The replay shows nothing like it happeneing, it was terrible. I played it at 7:20 pm Central Time zone
Guest @ 12:30 am, March 19, 2017 Rating: +13
John snow is yet another of the bunch, his balloon one shot my buildings even though they had more health than its damage
Guest @ 7:12 am, March 12, 2017 Rating: +36
Ashutosh in the clan The Gulls is a elixir cheater he summed a peka two balloons, a witch and a sorcerer all at once. It was crazy. The game was played at 1:10am mountain time.
Guest @ 8:14 am, March 9, 2017 Rating: +25
Kyle from gemteam is a cheat... After i destroyed his main tower and won, the game kinda tilted a bit and then ended up awarding him a victory. Please ban him. PS. The game was played at 22.15 paris time wednesday the 8th of march
Guest @ 9:21 pm, March 8, 2017 Rating: +20
lordbumbummole is an elixir cheater, he dropped 3-4 5 cost cards in under 3 seconds and I was supposed to gain the offensive after countering his troops I was expecting him to have very few elixir left but he just kept having infinite elixir. Please ban him and delete his account for hacking.
Guest @ 6:13 pm, March 7, 2017 Rating: +12
92UCC0P8 Kal El is another cheater
Guest @ 5:09 am, February 28, 2017 Rating: +18
Tell me about it - Pandemonium led by Supercell cheaters and money sucking whores - Do Not give them a dime
Guest @ 5:00 am, February 28, 2017 Rating: +36
Q92UYQY2 cheats too
Guest @ 2:08 am, February 27, 2017 Rating: +24
You guys are spot on - supercell sux
Guest @ 12:20 am, February 27, 2017 Rating: +18
Watch out for driser!
Guest @ 3:52 am, February 25, 2017 Rating: +24
Well this dude was double the elixer speed, crazy cheat, one of the originals I guess #GVPJU8 Tez or probably supercell
Guest @ 3:52 am, February 25, 2017 Rating: +24
MEGASONIC in Desterrados FC
I took out 2 of his towers and then my screen froze and My king tower was gona with no rubble along with my left tower, nothing there as well
Guest @ 1:55 am, February 24, 2017 Rating: +25
Unfair play by 20L8GQ2V {Stannous} by 1.5 per second cheats
Guest @ 1:52 am, February 24, 2017 Rating: +24
My mom said to just quit because I am wasting my money with all these cheats. This guy was at 1 elixer ever 1.8 seconds. Cheater G2U8RL9P Thooolio
Guest @ 2:36 am, February 22, 2017 Rating: +12
I haven't got any legendary cards I'm in arena 7 and playing a lot so I need legendary card
Guest @ 12:30 am, February 22, 2017 Rating: +19
My opponent received 1.5 elixer per second, be on the lookout for Pepote-Wilmer
Guest @ 2:35 am, February 21, 2017 Rating: +18
I agree - how do we know it is not super cell robbing us? It is a scam, stop playing Royale
Guest @ 2:34 am, February 21, 2017 Rating: +33
Supercell does rig, its part of their business plan. See employee handbook on youtube
Guest @ 2:37 am, February 22, 2017 Rating: +19
Yeah, I stopped playing - Boom Beach is rigged too
Guest @ 1:53 am, February 24, 2017 Rating: +12
Jaun account Castle rock clan same thing, how do i know if this is being looked into....i feel i am wasting my time and money when people can cheat like this.. i stopped playin clash of clans because of this
Guest @ 5:50 am, February 18, 2017 Rating: +18
maestro andes is another cheater, i won the game and he ended up with my score... i have the replay this is irritating
Guest @ 6:21 pm, February 14, 2017 Rating: +13
Please post the replay
Guest @ 2:13 pm, April 2, 2017 Rating: +18
Another cheat #2RLV2C2Q MtWebb
Guest @ 3:41 pm, February 11, 2017 Rating: +24
I want to report clash royale because in the last two weeks i have been wining and losing constantly is like every time i win the other match i play i have to lose i have been trying other decks but i always keep wining and losing is like the game knows what kind of deck i have and us it against me. Some one pleas help me!!! #2OYQVGJGR
Guest @ 5:11 am, February 10, 2017 Rating: +12
I want report kamelcr7 use 7 cards, i have video.
Guest @ 10:13 pm, February 9, 2017 Rating: +12
I also got hacked
Guest @ 11:14 pm, February 8, 2017 Rating: +12
2-4-2017 cheater, be on the lookout because Supercell does NOTHING to prevent/ban/punish hackers #9YVU9QU2 TheLegend27
Guest @ 2:31 am, February 7, 2017 Rating: +24
2-5-2017 cheater reported to Supercell with no response: #JQJPV2P9 Badal
Guest @ 2:29 am, February 7, 2017 Rating: +12
2-6-17 cheater #RYQVVQU2 Smithers
Guest @ 2:27 am, February 7, 2017 Rating: +33
HELLO I am having the same issues in the last 24h I played Zeus from BOTAPADENTRO clan & vega Borrachos top 4 clan, anyone having the same problem !!!
Guest @ 10:46 pm, February 4, 2017 Rating: +12
The dude was the blue king and o was the red. He didn't let me place troops where I wanted to place em. He only placed a fire ball some place ramdom. I am so triggered right now. His name was Donald duck and he is in the royale sqaud.
Guest @ 2:45 pm, February 3, 2017 Rating: +18
I was looking at TV royale and saw a player who's name has Asian symbols or something so my phones keyboard won't let me type it but they r ranked number 14. Their deck has level 7 battering ram. Battering doesn't come out for a WEEK! Clearly hacking.
Guest @ 1:07 pm, February 3, 2017 Rating: +33
In many matches the last couple of days as I reach the 2900 trophy mark I've been lagged out in the beginning or towards the end of the match. Only a few of my opponents were booted for it. It seems they know just how much they can get away with to sway the match which is very frustrating. Doesn't matter if I'm 4G or wifi. I feel sorry for people who are plugging cash into this game although I do love it I won't pay for it. I would recommend patching the game so it will not run in a browser or if a device has side sync activated.
Guest @ 2:54 pm, January 21, 2017 Rating: +18
My last match was same situation like this. Please ban or do something to those hackers.

The hacker's id: #CLJCCGCY
Guest @ 2:47 am, January 19, 2017 Rating: +18
Ok, I was playing against player JDSS, he drops a lvl11 zap, then another one using the mirror tool, then thrown a rocket, followed by yet another rocket. Then a fireball then the log. I get the first two zaps, but but the double rocket? How did he get the mirror back soon fast. He launched no other troops, just attacked my kings tower. I call cheater 100%

#pj8qUV is his I'd and he is legendary status.
Guest @ 3:55 am, January 18, 2017 Rating: +12
I think the lag switching needs to stop
Guest @ 3:54 pm, January 14, 2017 Rating: +20
To Admin of Clash Royal:
Please remove the live battle spectator, i was in 2 battle with name: ezcool clan:reteillois and name: Willams CRAK clan: ACHILLES 2 both of them have spectator, all my attacks are blocked because they have spectator and thats cheating. we are purchasing gems and coins to improve our decks and some players can cheats thats unfair. please do something!!
redBloodFerrari @ 6:20 pm, January 13, 2017 Rating: +18
I was in a battle with suuuuuu from infernos royal and the last minuet I could not place any cards and I had full elixir and I had perfect wi fy connection
Guest @ 8:11 pm, January 12, 2017 Rating: +100
I bought two magical chests buy only got one who do I report this to
Guest @ 5:28 am, January 2, 2017 Rating: +18
:( some one hacked me
Guest @ 1:15 am, December 31, 2016 Rating: +17
So their is a ton of cheating going on in the game, yet supercell refuses to do anything about it? Why shouldn't I cheat too? It's just making the game no fun for those of us who actually want to play the game right.
Guest @ 1:03 am, December 30, 2016 Rating: +17
A clanmate called M.A.X was saying that some clanmates were *** and help me report his person.
Guest @ 12:51 am, December 29, 2016 Rating: +33
"aiman hashtag" kick me out from group on the last day of chest war without any reason please help me do something
Guest @ 7:54 am, December 26, 2016 Rating: +35
Grow up
Guest @ 12:32 pm, January 11, 2017 Rating: +24
My clan was hacked there is a guy who never joined the clan in it who is below our minimum requirements who is somehow the leader at a level far below me and my friends who physicaly created the clan and are the leaders
Guest @ 4:31 am, December 26, 2016 Rating: +34
Marcos Silva played 5 skeleton armies in a row and cost me a dub
Guest @ 12:18 am, December 25, 2016 Rating: +12
Bump this. Same thing just happened to me. What the heck. Such garbage players
Guest @ 8:58 pm, December 24, 2016 Rating: +66
Same vs someone named jazz007 from "the 2.0 squad" clan. I was playing and right when time ran out I lose 0-3 crowns and I check the replay and it shows I wasn't playing when I was.... It was on the electro wiz tournament as well which I used 100 gems to get in just to lose like this... Pure bs please ban him....
Guest @ 12:50 am, December 24, 2016 Rating: +18
The player IvanGzl has got level 2 zap-wizard and level 10 bomber in the challenge...? why did he get better level?
Guest @ 7:50 pm, December 23, 2016 Rating: +12
Same thing as below attacked twice won both at the end it said they won 3-0 I've been playing since the game came out I'm going to delete it because ther are to many cheaters
Guest @ 11:00 am, December 23, 2016 Rating: +19
I was playing against a player named tae733 from thai rider when i noticed he was gaining elixir faster than i was. He kept placing more expensive troops at a faster rate than me. Then, i checked the replay because i was suspicous, then i saw his bar moving at a much faster rate. He was definently cheating and needs your attention because i didnt deserve to lose
Guest @ 9:27 am, December 23, 2016 Rating: +19
I was playing against the player named "deepu" from "Hawelians" clan
then i noticed that someone was watching during arena battle
(eyeball icon), he blocked all my attack and he place his cards
down very easily at the end he destroyed all my 3 towers very quickly
i think he is cheating, most likely "deepu" is signed in on another
device with another account to spy on my cards and elixir.
Please remove the live spectator during arena battle because it
can be use in cheating.
redBloodFerrari @ 5:51 pm, December 22, 2016 Rating: +19
I was playing against the player named Diego from faccao clan. We were playing and I smashed his one tower and at the end the score went 3 of Diego and 0 of mine. Please take some action against him or we will quit playing this game.
Guest @ 12:25 pm, December 22, 2016 Rating: +18
There was this guy called Pioneer Del. Completley hacking. For some reason, his mini pekka was supposed to have 798 health, but it had infinite health. Each time one of my characters hit it, its health bar didnt go down, it just never died!
Guest @ 9:56 pm, December 19, 2016 Rating: +39
Too many cheats on this game. Between elixir hacks, gem hacks, people being able to disconnect you, flipping the game board, one hitting giant skeletons (really -.-?), having ALL the cards at a lower arena level and of course, the ever-so-popular, 'get your friend to watch the match so they can tell you exactly what cards your opponent has and exactly when they're playing those cards' cheats, who can actually play a proper game anymore? Also, a majority of the cheats have arabic and/or chinese characters for names. (also, they're not shy on spamming the emotes after they've won by cheating.)
Guest @ 11:26 am, December 13, 2016 Rating: +12
I think the spectate friends option should be removed at least.
Guest @ 11:28 am, December 13, 2016 Rating: +46
Play against kevin from clan ch ice. The game board was flipped backwards wirt my side being labeled red and the kings were glitching. I could not place my cards down correctly. Needless to say he destroyed all three of my towers very quickly as it seems he was able to place his cards down very easily. After the game it said his name was pooooo from my clan, BOS
Guest @ 11:55 pm, December 12, 2016 Rating: +33
I was playing against 3ApLo and his clan name is TITANS. He was level 10 and I was level 6. I lost to because he place elixir towers so all he had to do was shoot rockets, fire balls, and goblin barrels to my castle. That made me look 22 trophies
Guest @ 1:51 am, December 10, 2016 Rating: +18
I was playing against player 'FatherofDread ' his clan is ' Clan of Dromoka '. I was destroyed one tower of him and then he not destroyed anything. Under 1 minute i almost. destroyed his another tower and then the time is not end yet but suddenly the gam stop and he win 3 tower. I watch the replay my troops is missing and the game stops and he win. My Internet connection was good
Guest @ 5:11 am, December 9, 2016 Rating: +12
At least 1/30 of players cheat and I'm sick of it. Last player against I played, otmMR.duckZtmo cheated overwatching the game (he could see my cards and actions). He is from "Clash of Padang" clan. I have a image proving it if you need it or the record of the game. Please, fix this kind of behaviours. It is really a pity that these players spoil the game.
Guest @ 4:30 pm, December 8, 2016 Rating: +24
NAH-L cheated. During the game my zap deployment got delayed twice and during the end of the game My barbs were attacking his tower and all at once they were attacking his inferno tower four tiles away and his towers health seemed to restore and I could do but nothing but watch as his skel army destroyed my tower and the freaking zap was not working...PLZ BAN THIS GUY SUPERCELL!!!
Guest @ 1:28 pm, December 6, 2016 Rating: +39
I was just playing and don't remember the name but they was a lvl 6 and had bowlers...they was dropping them on me within seconds of each other then two rage spells with two knights.....there was no way that was fair. I couldn't even drop my giant and bomber. That's messed up.
Guest @ 1:28 am, December 5, 2016 Rating: +53
I was playing against joeismel123 and he had infinite elixir by constantly spawning hog riders and princes one after another
Guest @ 10:23 pm, December 4, 2016 Rating: +20
A player by t name Alemao was using a cheat the spectate the fight.
Guest @ 1:12 pm, December 4, 2016 Rating: +13
This sucks to play because u have so many cheaters and can't compete w them. You need to check accounts and if people use unlimited elixir or have crazy amounts of gold or gems you need to do something about it or ur game will lose players because we aren't going to waste $ if no chance to win. Come on and fix this ****. You clam FAIR PLAY. I think you need to read the definition of free play.
Guest @ 7:40 pm, December 3, 2016 Rating: +253
Found someone called porte2887. Complete hacker, placed down a level one baby dragon which did 1000 damage!
Guest @ 9:22 pm, December 1, 2016 Rating: +20
Asterix_01 is a cheater. He has a hack where his elixir goes up faster than the opponents. There is no way you can play minion horde, mirror it, and then defend with barbarians within a 2 second span
Guest @ 6:37 am, November 30, 2016 Rating: +24
ongsnism is a a cheater, spawned 2 dragons, knight and axe lady within seconds of each other multiple times
Guest @ 3:45 am, November 29, 2016 Rating: +24
Person with the name its benn is a cheater and a spamming person please ban him
Guest @ 5:27 pm, November 23, 2016 Rating: +12
Everybody I fight hacks the battle and in cant place any cards and they have all the legendarys in arena6 can u give me some gems so I can keep up and at least win some battles because I fought a level 1 with legendarys
Guest @ 12:37 am, November 18, 2016 Rating: +17
I had been saving my gems really hard and I was at 1000 gems then someone hacked my account. Can I have my gems back please.
Guest @ 4:37 am, November 16, 2016 Rating: +18
Ok there is this guy Ethan he has no clan he even showed me his hacks he was in legandary and two days ago he was in spell valley he had a shiton of gems and coins so I was wondering if you guys can kick him off the game
Guest @ 10:25 pm, November 15, 2016 Rating: +33
Hi someone hacked my account what should i do?
Guest @ 5:59 pm, November 12, 2016 Rating: +12
player with the name Uwg Anonymous is a cheater! no way you lays out 6 cards at once
Guest @ 11:36 pm, November 8, 2016 Rating: +18
somebody hacked my account. i had 2217 trophies which is my trophy record. then, the next day i had 1982 trophies. what do i do
Guest @ 9:50 am, November 4, 2016 Rating: +12
I desrroy his towere and when i didith the fight waas over and i lost 3=0
Guest @ 5:28 am, November 4, 2016 Rating: +39


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