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Mass-kicker warning: En4cer #P890P8

3:08 pm, January 23, 2016 1,011 358 1.8 @ 200 wpmrate up Meharin source
[Edit: I censored out the name from this post because after I posted this I found similar threads and in one I found out that apparently "naming & shaming" is not allowed. I don't know if this qualifies, but I don't want to be in violation of the forum rules so I am trying to self-censor. I think it should be fair game to point out to the community who the clan destroyers are, but Supercell makes the rules, so just be reminded of the obvious yet unfortunate fact that anyone you appoint to elder can kick out all of your members while you are sleeping. Sleep well! ;)]

The joys of having a new game with no elder kick cooldown *sigh*.

Warning: --> CENSORED <--

As a service to leaders and elders of fellow clans, be advised that this chatty & active guy who I promoted to elder started kicking all the members he could out of our #26 globally ranked clan (#3 in Canada, knocked us down to #7 Canada and #46 or so globally)

(The drama: We had a difference of perspective, and he even acknowledged I saw his point, but I lightheartedly agreed with another member whom he was accusing of clan-hopping that he was being a downer. We appeared to settle things, he said have a good night, I did too, and he waited until I went offline and started kicking everyone.)

I had a bad feeling about the passive-aggressive attitude he was giving me, so fortunately I came back on a few minutes later and he only had a few minutes to kick 9 people.

Life lesson learned for me: when someone starts showing attitude, demote them from a position of power. I am glad to learn this lesson in some mobile game instead of real life, but I feel bad for my clanmates though who worked hard to peak at #16 globally and #1 in Canada before settling to #3.

In other news, depending on whether our members re-join (I reinvited all of them), we may be recruiting ;)

4GreatJustice!! #GYQU
3:08 pm, January 23, 2016 1,011 358 source



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