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Android Cursed, or just game code?

4:08 pm, August 28, 2017 1,220 46 0.2 @ 200 wpmrate up Katavage source
I still didn't get any legendaries since 9 month ago (November-December 2016). Am I using a cursed account or it's just a game code? I also have opened a lot of chest that got Epic Card when it comes the last 2 cards. Can someone explain this?
4:08 pm, August 28, 2017 1437 mmmaka3m replied source
mmmaka3m reply to Android Cursed, or just game code?

Hi. It's just your luck. You can check when you're going to get a legendary chest (if you have passed 2000 trophies) from this site: www.statsroyale.com Or Www.starfi.re Also you can read this post if you're interested in knowing how card drops work: https://forum.supercell.com/showthre...75#post9561675 Also read this for explanation about chest cycles (legendary chest cycle included): https://forum.supercell.com/showthre...65#post9561665


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4:08 pm, August 28, 2017 1,220 46 source



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