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Android Cards Taken - Legendary Challenge

4:08 pm, August 14, 2017 859 78 0.4 @ 200 wpmrate up Smokalotapotomus source
Hey Supercell... in this past weekend's "legendary challenge (I think it was on Friday)," I got the 5 or 6 wins required to earn 40x rares. The rare selected was the mini P.E.K.K.A., but instead of giving me 40 it took 40 away! My username is Smokaltapotomus #CUC88UPR and I promise you that I am sure this happened! I had been requesting them and was aware of the total at the time. Please help me!
4:08 pm, August 14, 2017 1003 mmmaka3m replied source
mmmaka3m reply to Android Cards Taken - Legendary Challenge

Hi. If you're completely sure about this, contact in-game support team and ask them to check your account log to see it. They'll tell you what exactly happened: https://forum.supercell.com/showthre...In-Out-Of-Game


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4:08 pm, August 14, 2017 859 78 source



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