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Bug causing players to loose leadership

4:08 pm, August 28, 2017 822 855 4.3 @ 200 wpmrate up Lynxis source
I have proof that a bug or more a delay in the clan members lists ability to update after a kick has caused 1000's of players to unknowingly give up leadership of thier clan, what's worse, Supercell is hiding this and refuses to assist anyone who encounters the bug.

If you are a leader you may have noticed at some point or another when changing the rank of several members too quickly that there is a delay when kicking a player.

Example: You kick a player, then immediately open the clan members list and to your surprise even though it clearly said in clan chat that "player" was kicked by you, you can still see that player in your current members list. This bug or rather delay is causing players to not only kick people they didn't intend to but to also promote people they didn't intend to.

I will now explain using an example of how this causes you to loose leader.

Example: We are going to pretend you are the leader of a full clan of 50 members. Each member fits into a slot, slot 1 being the member with the highest trophies, slot 50 the least. You need to make room in your clan as well as promote individuals who are contributing the most.

You have a member in slot 5 who has gone inactive, you also have a member in slot 15 who contributes regularly, you have a co-leader in slot 16. You decide it's time to boot slot 5 from your clan.

First you kicked member 5, it says in clan chat member 5 has been kicked, you immediately open clan members page to promote member 15, you notice member 5 is still in the clan, the members list has not yet updated, you select member 15 and you are now on member 15's detail page where you can promote or demote. You decide to promote member 15, suddenly you have lost leadership of your clan and unknowingly given it to member 16.

This happened because as you were attempting to alter the 15th slot in your clan the members list had caught up and updated, because you kicked member 5 every member with less trophies or rather members 6 through 50 all got bumped up one slot. Therefore member 16 who was currently a co-leader has been bumped up to 15 and member 15 has been bumped to 14, even though you attempted to promote someone else the game recognizes that you gave that promotion to the 15th slot. You promote player "a" but receive a message in clan chat that player "b" has been promoted to Leader.

How did I figure this out? I've encountered this issue twice now. The first time it caused me to kick the wrong player. I kicked a player, then opened the clan member list and seen that he was still in my clan, confused I selected that same player again and kicked that exact same player again, it then said in clan chat someone else had been kicked.

The second time was recently, I kicked a member, went to promote another member, the kicked player was still in the list, I promote my member, someone else gets promoted to Leader instead.

Things to note:
* This is not actually a bug, it is a complete failure of the games mechanics due to a delay in the members lists ability to update quickly.

* This is not a constant, under the very same circumstances this is not guaranteed to happen to you, but it can if you're not careful.

* Supercell has been aware of this issue since shortly after the games release, they became aware when an absorbent amount of people came to them complaining they accidentally gave away leadership and had no idea how it had happened.

* Supercell refuses to acknowledge this issue, rectify this issue, provide any support or any compensation for this issue as any of the above would be an admittance on thier part, landing them in hot water. No matter how many attempts I've made to get a support agent to discuss the issue with me they completely ignored it neither confirming or denying, infact they never once over numerous support requests even acknowledged my claim.

* In all likelihood, if you did somehow manage to get a response on this issue by Supercell or a support agent I am 100% certain they would flat out lie and deny as any form of admittance would corner them into having to rectify this issue for the thousands of players they've screwed.

* Supercell may make decent games but they are in no way an ethical company.

My advice, when altering players in your clan continuously refresh the members list page until it has updated.

For those of you who now realize how you've been cheated here is the phone number and address of the Supercell office. Do whatever you want with it.

[Removed by Mod - Contact Support if you think this issue has affected you]
4:08 pm, August 28, 2017 1190 mmmaka3m replied source
mmmaka3m reply to Bug causing players to loose leadership

There might be a little delay because the clan list need a refresh but why you're kicking someone constantly or promoting someone multiple times? I'm pretty sure the delay isn't like 5 minutes, is it? In my experience it works always instantly but if there is a 5 seconds delay for you, isn't this better to wait a little or check the list few times? It's a human error on your part not a game issue. (that's my opinion)

4:08 pm, August 28, 2017 1351 Bakunin replied source
Bakunin reply to Bug causing players to loose leadership

Main forum rule no.5: "Do not attempt to claim to represent or speak on behalf of Supercell if you are not a Moderator or Supercell employee. Do not deliberately and/or maliciously spread false information about Supercell games, moderators or employees." Closed.


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4:08 pm, August 28, 2017 822 855 source



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