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Ideas for Clash Royale!

3:08 pm, January 12, 2016 1,398 689 3.4 @ 200 wpmrate up ItsTempest source
Hi, my name is Tempest and these are some things I think Supercell should add to Clash Royale. Before you question my "amount of experience" to propose changes, I'll tell you a bit about my Clash Royale account. I live in Australia, so I was lucky to get Clash Royale without changing my Apple ID location. I downloaded the game 1 hour after it launched on the App Store and started playing immediately. I am currently a Level 5 and have only bought $1.49 worth of gems. I am in the clan "ChronicClashers" which is one of the best Australian clans. I am at around 900 trophies with all level 5 commons, level 3 rares and level 1 epics.


- Balance the Baby Dragon. I'm not talking about a nerf or a buff, but add more easy-to-get troops that can hit air targets. In arena 1, the only troops that can attack the Baby Dragon are; Witch, Baby Dragon, Musketeer, Archers and Spear Goblins. The only cost effective troops out of those five are the Archers and Spear Goblins. At low levels they hardly do any damage to a Level 1 Baby Dragon. So if you are a Level 1,2,3 player, and you see a Baby Dragon coming at you, its going to do massive damage too your Crown Towers before you can take it down.

- Add Gold to winning in the Arena. Gold isn't that hard to get in chests, but the ridiculous chest unlocking times makes it VERY hard to get gold if you run out. While you wait 3 hours for a free or Silver chest, you can do NOTHING. You cant upgrade cards or battle in the arena. You're stuck. For three hours. With my proposed changes, a 1 Crown win will award award 1 gold, a 2 Crown will award 2 gold and a 3 Crown win will award 3 gold. Although if you get a Crown but your opponents get more, you receive no gold.

- Fix or remove the "Pay to Win Wall'. What is the Pay to Win Wall? It is where you hit a point in the game where it becomes nearly impossible to win battles in the arena without spending money to level up your epics and rares. The wall usually appears at about 1400 trophies. It becomes nearly impossible because;
No money = No Magical Chests
No Magical Chests = No double ups of Epics.
No double ups of Epics = Level 1 Epics.
Level 1 Epics just cant compete against Level 2,3,4 Epics which people used money to get. If you cant win, you cant get trophies, so its a dead end. Just like running into a brick wall. I have no good ideas on how to fix this. The best idea I have is too improve the rate Magical Chests are won in Arena Battles.

- Reduce the Silver chest unlock time. Silver chests take 3 hours to unlock. 3 hours for a couple of lousy Spear Goblins and Skeletons. You aren't even guaranteed a rare. Magical and Gold chests unlock times are fine, but 3 hours for a few commons is a waste of time.

- Balloons NEED to unlock later. Balloons need to unlock at a higher arena than arena 2. This is for multiple reasons;
1. The same reason as the Baby Dragon.
2. Balloons deal way too much damage for a Level 2,3 to have. As a level 2 or 3, 3 shots from a Balloon and you can say goodbye to your Crown Tower.

- Fix matchmaking. Matchmaking is broken. You can get players 2 levels higher than you, with better cards and higher level cards than you. Imagine trying to defend against Barbarians in Arena 2 when you're level 3. I've been there, it hurts. Make it impossible to get a match 2 levels higher than the player or 100 trophies higher than the player. This might have to only apply to Arena 2,3,4,5 but not 6, as Level 11 players will never get a match.

Thanks for reading, it'd be great of you could leave some feedback or more ideas! :heart:
3:08 pm, January 12, 2016 1,398 689 source



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