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Android Internet connection & chest bug

3:08 am, February 29, 2016 2,483 76 0.4 @ 200 wpmrate up 1 KyotoMizuko source
today, my network are not good as usual, then i play this clash royale and i want to open my golden chest
when i opening my chest i got network connection problem, and disconnect, when i reopen the game my chest are gone and i check my card, there was no change, also my gold. anyone have this problem?

nb : ( my golden chest acquired from arena 4 it should contain 2 rare card )
3:08 am, February 29, 2016 2,483 76 1 source


Yup it just happen to me with the crown ******* chest..
Guest @ 8:20 pm, March 19, 2016
It has happened to me 4 times, very frustrating
Guest @ 7:42 pm, March 1, 2016 Rating: +21
Have u solved problem and how
Guest @ 5:35 pm, February 29, 2016
I have the same problem
Guest @ 5:10 am, February 29, 2016


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