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Android Cannot chat in clan

3:08 pm, February 17, 2016 5,382 25 0.1 @ 200 wpmrate up greatmoor source
there is no option for sending chat, even enter button does not work. I have to chat through friendly battle words...sigh...:confused:
3:08 pm, February 17, 2016 5,382 25 source


my tablet has a taskbar at the bottom that blocks the freaking button, it's so annoying and I cant get rid of it
Guest @ 9:27 pm, May 6, 2016
i am mehmet abdul and if you join panorama a5 (a clan in clash royale)i will give you 100$ if you join commiunicate with goldenboy for the money.( jim89 is my second account and golden boy is my first)
Guest @ 2:34 pm, March 31, 2016
i am mehmet abdul and i cant type in chat
Guest @ 2:24 pm, March 31, 2016 Rating: +1
me too my brother (i am ahmet abdul) and our clan is caled panorama a5 join i am golden boy and mehmet is jim89
Guest @ 2:26 pm, March 31, 2016
Cancel the check to semiji keybord,, I can chat now clash Royal :)
Guest @ 1:36 am, March 21, 2016 Rating: +1
There is no option to turn off physical keyboard
Guest @ 9:20 pm, March 10, 2016
maybe you need to download the replacement keyboard first?
Guest @ 10:13 pm, March 10, 2016 Rating: +2
I don't know about turning a keyboard on or off... I can type with my actual keyboard, but there's no way for me to submit what I've typed into the chat. Maximizing the window for the program does nothing other than remove the borders and lock it to one side of my screen.
Guest @ 6:33 pm, March 17, 2016 Rating: +1
Settings, language and input, Default, then you turn off the physical keyboard option.
Guest @ 10:21 am, March 6, 2016 Rating: +1
i can confirm that this works for bluestacks...clash royale chat is now working
Guest @ 9:44 pm, March 6, 2016
same issue, as is another friend of mine...It lets me type, but no way to send.
Guest @ 5:15 am, March 6, 2016 Rating: +1
works..except via bluestacks
Guest @ 5:15 am, March 6, 2016 Rating: +1
Buddy you should download emoji keyboard from play store it will work 100%
Guest @ 5:13 pm, March 5, 2016
is it only emojis m8 does it have letters
Guest @ 6:19 pm, March 10, 2016 Rating: +21
same here
Guest @ 3:06 pm, March 5, 2016
Yea im also using blue Stacks and MEmu im also unable to chat
Guest @ 12:06 pm, March 5, 2016
I can't find a way to chat with bluestacks.
Guest @ 10:31 am, February 22, 2016 Rating: +1
install google keyboard from play store and activate it
Guest @ 7:16 am, March 3, 2016 Rating: +1
cant chat too, nexus 5X
Guest @ 2:47 pm, February 20, 2016
Is there a solution???I am using bluestacks
Guest @ 4:01 am, February 19, 2016
same here using bluestacks
Guest @ 6:32 pm, February 18, 2016 Rating: +1
Guest @ 10:56 pm, February 17, 2016


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