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Android Tournament Bug

4:08 am, July 6, 2016 1,191 142 0.7 @ 200 wpmrate up BerkeFiliz source
Firstly, Clash Royale is the best game you have ever made and it's really addictive. Thanks for developing this game.

Secondly, I want to inform you about a bug in the tournament mode. Most (almost all) of the tournaments are seen as 49/50 full but there are actually 50 people in. Also a lot of tournaments are seen as 1/50 full but they are full and sometimes being played in fact.
Everytime I try to get in a tournament, the bar lies me and I always see that the room I am trying to get in is already being played.

I'd be happy if this bug gets fixed. Thanks for spending time for reading this text.
Berke Filiz

Additional info if you need:
Phone: LG G3, Android 6.0
Language: Turkish
4:08 am, July 6, 2016 1,191 142 source



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