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General Prince Nerf

3:08 pm, March 7, 2016 1,580 157 0.8 @ 200 wpmrate up CameronBlake97 source
I am yet another angry Clash Royale player. As you can expect, I am angry due to the Prince being so overpowered. Every game I play, at the 600-700 trophy level, I experience the annoyance of playing against the Prince. I lose approximately 60% of the games I play due to him. I've tried the countless number of counters that I've read, specifically mass skeletons, but one rarely just drops the Prince without dropping a baby dragon or whatever else with AoE attacks. I've been unable to acquire a Prince myself, and am entirety fed up with that game-breaking card. I was told he was previously nerfed, but obviously it hasn't been enough. I challenge all the players that have Prince in their decks to leave him out permanently, but you (reader) and I both know that is not going to happen. Please raise his elixir cost to eight, or drastically lower his stats. Thank you!
3:08 pm, March 7, 2016 1,580 157 source


yeah all you really need to take out the prince is minion horde, barbs, anything that can distract him from the tower really, if you leave him alone for too long or if they have a rage spell he does some serious damage, but is easily distracted.
kruxor @ 12:28 am, March 8, 2016
um...drop one skeleton hut within range of your towers. that's all it takes to take out a prince. if they drop something else behind the prince you'll need to deal with that...but a solo price just takes a skeleton hut
Guest @ 12:24 am, March 8, 2016
I totally agree. He can be countered but you need a dedicated deck and luck. I've been playing for two weeks but will soon quit this game if it remains so un balanced
Guest @ 9:14 pm, March 7, 2016
i can't agree more on this, the prince is way OP, he can take down 1 tower by himself while i use 3 cards with witch!
Guest @ 3:42 pm, March 7, 2016


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