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Crash Royale

12:00 am, January 20, 2016 1,536 85 0.4 @ 200 wpmrate up 2 RuleNFaiL source
are you serious????!!!!
Why aren't you fixing the fluffbunny problem ???
I did every thing that i should make -_-
And what i get is a "sorry" from your stuipd machine
The game crashes every second during battle
Just fix it already
I've been posting for about a week and no one is answering me from SC
The game is still in beta ik
They should've fixed it because it is in beta -_-
12:00 am, January 20, 2016 1079 SuperSteve[Supercell] replied source
SuperSteve[Supercell] reply to Crash Royale

You need to reach out to Player Support about this issue. Thanks for understanding.


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12:00 am, January 20, 2016 1,536 85 2 source



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