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Android Magical Chest Bug

3:08 pm, March 9, 2016 1,155 51 0.3 @ 200 wpmrate up ronronmadrid source
My magical chest disappeared it happened when i open the magical chest then i got disconnected from the internet when i open again the magical chest it disappeared.

My name in Clash Royale is SkyDrive.

Please SuperCell check my account in your Console's Chest Log.
3:08 pm, March 9, 2016 1,155 51 source


Wow it just happened to me now
What can I do?
I checked all my epics card if it may give them but I just didnt see but there was nothing
Guest @ 12:57 pm, June 16, 2016
This happened to me too!
Guest @ 12:57 am, March 10, 2016


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