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[Recruiting] Aftermath #8YGCJ9L

1:08 am, May 13, 2016 1,777 340 1.7 @ 200 wpmrate up 1 steelrends source
Hey guys my friend and I decided to start a new clan due to inactivity in our previous one. Our clan currently has 45 active, donating members and we would love for new people to join.   Some details about our clan include: Location: international (we are welcoming of all members from other nationalities) Required trophies: 1400 Clan tag: #8YGCJ9L Leaders/Co-leaders: Steelrends, Jewel, BSSLSQ, BigJangles, Kaitlyn The leadership in our clan is dedicated to ensuring that every member is active and is donating. I check to make sure that inactive members are regularly kicked in order to make room for active, donating members. We also strive to reach a high clan score, therefore trophy requirements are increased based on the growth and goals of the clan.
  • In order to become elder, you need to donate at least 150 cards. We chose this amount in order to ensure that our clan only recruits loyal members and weed out clan-hoppers.
  • What we are looking for in new members:
  • We are casual daily players of the game. So try to stay active. If we find that you have not donated any cards in a while, then prepare to be kicked. I keep track of all members in the clan to make sure that they are donating and active. Inactive players are kicked regularly.
  • Mature individuals. Please be respectful to all members and do not put anyone down. Try and help your other fellow members, either by donating cards or initiating friendly battles to experiment with decks.
  • Our clan loves to initiate friendly battles, so do not hesitate if you want to battle for fun! That's about it for what we expect from other members. I hope to see and meet with anyone that is interested in joining this new and growing clan!
1:08 am, May 13, 2016 1,777 340 1 source


Hey I am looking for a reliable clan who do friendly battles. I donate a lot and I usually hang around at 1800 trophies. Can you please invite me as I found your clan but it is invite only. My username is Beetle
Guest @ 8:47 pm, September 30, 2016 Rating: +21
Hey I want to join
Guest @ 9:54 pm, May 17, 2016


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