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SYNERGY | Level 4 War Clan | #YVU92020

3:08 pm, January 25, 2016 1,208 450 2.3 @ 200 wpmrate up Aaron93 source
Clan Tag: #YVU92020
War Record[WIN/LOSE]: 25Wins:8Losses

SYNERGY (Clan Tag: #YVU92020) is a level 4 clan. We are based in SINGAPORE. We are a growing clan, looking to expand even further. We war back to back, constantly to continue to improve our skills and gain more experience as we goes by. We are looking for more player to add to our family - we will not accept members who create drama or unnecessary problems for the clan. Currently, we are not accepting any player lower then town hall 8.


  • Always use both attacks in war
  • Follow instructions given by co-leader or leader on how to fight in war
  • Elder & Co-leader is earned through trust, loyalty.
  • Standard donation is Archers/Wizards, unless stated.
  • Donation in clan must strive to be at least 1:1.
  • When upgrading spell opt out of war.
  • Stay active & Enjoy!

General Requirements:

  • When applying into clan, must not have war cool down - shows that you leave a clan in the middle of a war.
  • No RUSHED Bases is allowed.

Town Hall 8
  • Level 5+ Barbarian King
  • Level 3 Dragon
  • 200 Army Camps
  • Clan Castle lv 4
  • Lv 7+ Walls

Town Hall 9

  • Level 11+ Barbarian King
  • Lv 11+ Archer Queen
  • Max town hall 8 Troops
  • 220 Army Camp Space

In Game name -
Level -
Hero Levels -
Town Hall Level -
Walls Level -
Which Country -
What other form of contact are you able to communicate with beside in-game -
A little of yourself -
Base Picture - (If possible)
[Use Imgur to Post Pictures on the forum]

How To Apply:
You can either apply by responding to this thread using the application form if you meet our requirements or request to join in game. If requesting in game put "from the forums & also Please put in your clan request that Spade sent you so we know you ain't a war spy!

We are also accepting other clan who are small in size to merge with us. Do contact for more information & details! Cheers!
3:08 pm, January 25, 2016 1,208 450 source



Site Rules

  1. Please be respectful.
  2. Only content directly related to Clash Royale belongs here.
  3. No image macros or memes.
  4. Comments + Content that don't contribute to the discussion or are abusive may be removed.
  5. No sexist, racist or homophobic language.
  6. Posting NSFW material is not allowed.

