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mmmaka3m reply to Android Updating ... Rebooting infinite cycle, game does not start

4:08 am, September 9, 2017 3,206 93 0.5 @ 200 wpmrate up mmmaka3m source
Back to Android Updating ... Rebooting infinite cycle, game does not start

Download a free vpn app from Google play store (like Psiphon). Then use and connect to vpn server (make sure you enabled "tunnel whole device" option). Then open the game. It should now update the content in a second and load your progress.

Let me know if it fixed the issue or not.

Edit: also check that you have a strong and stable internet connection. If possible try different internet connection (4G/4G/Wi-Fi).
4:08 am, September 9, 2017 3,206 93 source



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