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Tim[Supercell] reply to Bugs: Executioner fixes coming with next update

3:08 pm, February 1, 2017 1,269 108 0.5 @ 200 wpmrate up Tim[Supercell] source
Back to Bugs: Executioner fixes coming with next update
Hi all,

Here are the Executioner bugs that we will be fixing with the next update (unfortunately we can't fix these bugs with a maintenance break):

- Enemy troop attack animation resets when hit by his axe (aka, the "mini stun")
- Damaging troops behind him when his axe returns
- Throwing his axe out of the Arena (and getting stuck)
- One "tick" of damage happens in front of him when his axe is fully extended
3:08 pm, February 1, 2017 1,269 108 source



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